Saturday, December 31, 2011

all things about epimag

Each 100 g contains:
Magnesium citrate            42.49 g
Properties and Mode of Action
 by alkalinizing urine, minimizes the precipitation of uric acid in the urinary tract during therapy with serum uric acid lowering agents; thus avoiding the danger of mechanical obstruction and urate stone formation.
Prevention of urate stone formation in gout and other hyperuricemic states where serum uric acid lowering agents are used.
Dosage and Administration
One sachet in half a glass of water 3 - 4 times daily.
One dose should be kept for bedtime
Magnesium salts are to be used with caution in impaired renal function.
Drug Interactions
Oral magnesium salts decrease the absorption of tetracyclines, so, administration should be separated by a number of hours.
Cases of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or acute surgical abdomen.
Cases with rectal fissures, intestinal obstruction or perforation
Side effects
Nausea- diarrhea or abdominal cramps
Box of 10 sachets of 5 g each.


  1. hi guys i have UTI from 5 months now its comes to sex also my feelings of sex is gone because of this UTI and its went to eggs now and i visit many doctors which sugest many antboitic and also these medicine but its doesent works now this medicine is working atleast the pain is less now
    anyone have idea about my problem please suggest
